The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Renson Ingonga, finds himself in the middle of a muddy surface following sentiments that...
The former Nairobi County governor Evans Kidero is a lonely man. The Former CEO of the Kenyan capital has lost almost all friends his since the...
A widow with the help of a Seventh Day Adventist Pastor and three others were arraigned in a Kisumu court on September 11th 2019 after they...
Personal life details about Peter Karanja, a suspect in the Tob Cohen murder who, after his arrest, quickly gave in and led the DCI to the...
Today, the body of tycoon Tob Cohen,71, was found in a manhole at his Kitisuru home in Nairobi, DCI George Kinoti has confirmed. Kinoti said the...
For the second time in five years, Kenya has banned the adoption of Kenyan children by foreign nationals. A special Cabinet meeting chaired by President Uhuru Kenyatta...
In 2014, HomaBay County set aside a budget of sh200 million to construct a much-hyped ultra-modern 9,000-capacity Homa Bay Stadium that, was supposed to be build...