50 Cent, an American rapper, actor, television producer, and businessman continues expanding his multifaceted career into film and television. Known...
Kenya’s Coast leaders have started deserting DP Ruto and his entire Tanga tanga movement as seen in his recent five days coast tour. Top leaders from...
In a fast growing digital world, Governments, businesses and individuals must adapt to this new reality and over the last decade, Kenya has not been left...
On Saturday, thieves made away with a Ksh 180 million toilet that was set and installed in a wood-paneled room at Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of...
EACC wants to take the war on corruption a notch hire as they file court applications to allow the state to take over the ownership of ...
Kenya Airways’ half-year loss more than doubled to Sh8.56 billion, sinking shareholders into a deeper negative equity position of Sh16.18 billion. The airline attributed the 112...
After Kenya Insights reported that Niger national Ali Oumarou the proprietor of popular Kiza lounge in Kilimani was deported from Kenya over claims of narcotic trade,...