Former Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo is known for being outspoken and never hesitates to speak his mind. Having made his fortune during Moiโs era, Jirongo who...
The killing of Businessman turned anti-corruption crusader, Jacob Juma is one that continue to cause more questions as intrigues continue to pile, many questions with no...
The fearless and defiant KTN Investigation Senior Editor and the Pioneer of Jicho Pevu investigations series popularly known as Moha on Thursday escaped a death trap...
On the 5th day of May, vocal businessman and new age anti-corruption crusader Jacob Juma was fell in the spray of bullets. The incidence shocked the...
Going by police reports a shooting incident that led to the death of Jacob Juma occurred on the 5th day of May 2016 at about 8.30pm...
It would’ve easily passed the public’s eye the legislation banning ordinary citizens from having armored cars were it not for Jacob Juma who on his Twitter...
Cheryl Kitonga a name that has now on everyone’s mouth Thanks to her feature on KTN’s investigative piece Jicho Pevu into the murder of slain business...
High voltage intelligence reaching meโฆ.goes Jacob Juma’s springboard lines before he dropped his endless yet explosive missiles exposing a scandal. Little known to the general public...