Engonga is a nephew of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema and one of those thought to be hoping to replace him.
Hello Kenya Insights I don’t know if whatever I’m about to tell you is within your blog’s scope but there’s an issue I need to get...
32 year old woman has killed her husband and their two children at their home in Thome estate, Nairobi before committing suicide. Geoffrey Mugo, nyumba kumi...
After border patrol agents in Puerto Rico chased after a boat on Sunday, they found five duffel bags stuffed with $3.7 million (about Ksh.370 million) in...
Following an autopsy that was conducted at Lee Funeral Home in the presence of the family representatives, it has been determined that the city lawyer had...
Just as he had promised, Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum is in Kenya. In May, Sheikh Mohammed made headlines in Kenya, after being defrauded close...
One of the most talked about socialites in Kenya Vera Sidika has reformed and went back to her default skin. According to her Instagram page, Sidika...