Despite the authority being aware of the situation, Mr. Ruto hurriedly awarded the tender on 26th, barely 72 hours later...
It is not a secret that there exists a very strong bond or attraction between Itumbi and Maribe even though he says their relationship is not...
If you are looking for something to do this weekend, CytonnInvestments is holding an open day on Saturday for clients and members of the public on...
For days now, this site has dedicated time to expose an elaborate theft scheme at KPC where Oil Marketing Companies have been fleecing the companies billions...
While most NYS suspects didn’t see it coming, Bernard Masiga Ayienga saw it all coming and hurriedly sought the courts protection on imminent arrest by seeking...
Following red flags in the system, DCI opened investigations into the alleged embezzlement of funds through theft by some oil marketing companies working in cahoots with...
Kenya Pipeline continues to be flooded with funds spillages as new information continues to stream on how public funds in billions are being siphoned from the...