President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto are expected to share a Ksh.41.2 million slice of the budget as salaries and allowances over the next...
Landlords now want full access to information on where tenants work among other supporting documents to prove loss of income if they are to allow them...
An analysis of the 2020/21 budget, which is expected to be read on Thursday this week by Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani, shows that TSC is...
Application Tanzania wants the East African court to prohibit KRA from taxing its imports to Kenya. “It is therefore in the interest of justice to the...
Giraffe Manor, one of the most exclusive hotels in the elusive Karen estate, has hosted global celebrities including Ellen Degeneres amongst many. Considered an exotic destination,...
By Nzekwe Henry Counting the cost of the mitumba ban With 25 outlets and up to 300 employees on its payroll, Think Twice Second-Hand Clothes shops...
Stockholm (AFP) – Unlike most countries, Sweden never locked down during the coronavirus pandemic, largely keeping businesses operating, but the economy appears to be taking a...
The government has terminated a multi-million-shilling contract awarded for construction of the 15,000-acre Bachuma Livestock Export Processing Zone (LEPZ) in Voi sub-county in Taita-Taveta County after...
According to Bloomberg, Kenya surpassed Angola as sub-Saharan Africa’s third-largest economy in dollar terms, according to International Monetary Fund estimates. Angola has contracted every year since...
Kenya’s debt rose by 15 percent to Sh6.28 trillion in the three months to March, from similar period last year, documents tabled before Parliament show. The...
Corruption in City Hall has left nature in the city destroyed and ugly buildings financed by money launderers go up. There has been a total disregard...
The National Treasury has slashed the cancellation of excise duty on beer made from sorghum, millet, cassava or any other agricultural produce in Kenya to 60...
Employees of Villa Care Limited are going through it all, just like many other companies, staff of the group were also affected the MD Daniel Ojijo...
The Treasury has revised downwards its pension payment plan by Sh17.5 billion in yet another blow to retirees already grappling with delays in the processing of...
By Payton Mathau For years now, Kenya’s national carrier, Kenya Airways (KQ) profit-and-loss account has been, worryingly, sliding south, with the executives blaming several factors like...