Four Members of Parliament are on the spot over anomalies in disbursement of millions of shillings of bursaries in their...
An audit report has soaked Geothermal Development Company (GDC) managing director and embattled CEO Johnson ole Nchoe in an insider fraud after it emerged that he...
With every smartphone owner going the extra mile to make sure their phone remains as good as new, protecting the screen from cracks comes first. A...
The iPhone maker Apple Inc has been sued by a New York University cardiologist who alleges that the Tech Giant firm’s Apple Watch uses his patented...
Just how important are new years resolution to you or any other person in this era? Well, to some, perhaps all or not, just like Hon...
Nigerian women made up the largest share of African trafficking victims at 61 percent with most forced into prostitution. Last year 41 suspected Nigerian traffickers were...
AU’s special envoy and ODM Party leader Raila Odinga’s daughter Rosemary Odinga, has revealed that she has fully regained her sight after being partially blind for...