Police are holding Velji Jayaben Jayeshikumar the wife to the slain Indian businessman Jayesh Kumar Kanji ego went missing on...
A report commissioned by The US’ Department of Labor on Kenya has revealed some disturbing statistics, the annual Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor...
Residents of Kisii are wreathing with fire following an incident on Thursday that left two women dead. According to reports gathered by Kenya Insights, the police...
Kenya, (in)famously known as East Africa’s powerhouse, is on the verge of collapsing due to extensive and institutionalised corruption. The corruption situation is so desperate it...
By Nicholas Olambo Kenyan street deejay scene is huge at the moment. There has been an influx of up and coming talents in an industry that...
Battle of Titans seems to be lined up as the journalist and human rights activist Boniface Mwangi declined to apologize and retract a tweet aimed at...
Public Accounts Committee has this morning questioned the unscrupulous businessman Ben Gethi Wangui over the missing NYS Shs.791 million.Mr. Wangui has been accused of stealing the...