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The Deceit In Numbers On The Presidential Election In Kenya



Uhuru's lead lawyer Ahmednasir gives a confused gesture during the SCOK proceedings

PR or brainwashing: Demystifying the Numbers Rhetoric in Kenya’s Presidential Election

Independent commentators have observed that the Kenyan Media failed Kenyans during and after the annulled 8/8 General Elections. Reports on social media and mainstream media show that Kenyan media is either compromised or blind.

It is perhaps unsurprising that the Media has been chastised on social media and in heated segments on mainstream media. For instance, the Media has been referred to as Githerimedia for its deliberate distraction from the unprecedented electoral theft that disenfranchised millions of Kenyans in this past election. So complete is this failure that, at one point, it swooned over Ezra Chiloba, an official blamed for the 8/8 debacle- even by his own boss! It must also not be forgotten that all Media houses were regurgitating voting results as announced by the IEBC instead of reporting from the ground, obediently abetting a flawed process!

Over the past several weeks, the Media has blindly reported on hearsay rather than disseminating information derived from facts, investigations, and research. To a great degree, it is indisputable that the media has become an extension of Jubilee’s Public Relations (PR) exercise, even going so far as to demand NASA concede to an illegally elected President. As a result, the Media is actively brainwashing gullible Kenyans with incredible lies and half-truths!

Regarding Jubilee’s irregular win in the Presidential elections, Jubilee politicians argue that that the numbers were never affected, but that the Chief Justice David Maraga (CJ Maraga) nullified the elections due to faults in the transmission system. True to form, the Kenyan Media has failed to expose Jubilee’s duplicity: on the one hand, the party’s spokespersons describe Chief Justice Maraga as a “mkora” while on the other, put words in his mouth regarding the historic September 1stjudgment. The Media is content with letting Jubilee have it both ways without as much of a fight.


Then again, NASA accurately reflects the Supreme Court’s judgment that the entire process was so thoroughly compromised that the numbers as read out by the IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati were not verifiable. Once again, the Kenyan Media fails to inform the public about this fact and are complicit in Jubilee’s attempt to muddy the water. It has now been left to panelists to do the Media’s job for them.

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For instance, during an NTV interview last night hosted by Larry Madowo and attended by Ndindi Nyoro and Rosa Buyu, Rosa Buyu was categorical that “It does not matter who the President is, the issue is that the winner must be declared from an election process that is free, fair and credible election”. By failing to report the whole truth, the Media is irresponsibly allowing Jubilee’s false “Numbers” narrative airtime. This narrative falsely claims that Jubilee had the “Numbers” whereas Uhuru Kenyatta’s victory was a fabrication. If indeed they had the numbers, then why was the election rigged in their favour? Journalists are not asking these questions!

Jim Morrison, an iconic poet, and musician, once said: “whoever controls the media controls the mind.” In this regard, any biased reporting from any media station may and has potentially led to untruths and propaganda being peddled to the Kenyans, effectively brainwashing them to the point they cannot differentiate between right and wrong. This article focuses on the latest “Numbers” narrative that features prominently in the news. How then were the numbers affected in the Raila Odinga and Another v the IEBC and Others to cause the Supreme Court of Kenya, in a historic majority decision, to nullify the election?

In this article, we demystify the PR Exercise and the endless brainwashing by the Media that the only issue and problem with the election was the “Transmission” and not the “Numbers”. In the table below, I summarize the issues arising out of the election and how this affected the numbers.

Issue Effect on Numbers Numbers Affected
10,366 polling stations never transmitted Forms 34A by 11 August 2017 Going by the facts in the leaked IEBC chair Wafula Chebukati memorandum, these polling stations never once transmitted election results, but text messages! Therefore the ‘Numbers’ as contained in the texts could not be verified. To put it frankly: these were just numbers/statistics, not votes! Approx. 4, 636,556 votes
595 polling stations refused to or neglected to send any results in the presidential election This information was never contained in any Forms 34B and 34C Approx. 240,000 votes. **** A polling station has a maximum of 700 registered voters. On average, each polling station has about 400 voters (given that some stations have fewer while others have far much more registered voters)
Various votes cast for NASA’s presidential candidates were given to the Jubilee Party’s candidate In documents filed by NASA at the Supreme Court, it showed that over 120,000 votes were either erroneously deducted or omitted and added to the final count of Uhuru Kenyatta. Responses from the IEBC on these anomalies were that they were merely clerical errors.


Approx. 120,000 votes
Rejected votes  

Just like in the 2013 elections, rejected votes were over 400,000 as displayed in the ‘statistics’ relayed on the IEBC portal. However, no explanation has been given that the final tally shows that the rejected votes were reduced to 81,000. The IEBC lawyers were unable to explain this phenomenon during the Supreme Court Hearing.

Approx. 400,000 votes
Irregularities in Forms 34B for 90 Constituencies  

There were various irregularities and omissions in 90 Forms 34B. Either they were not stamped, not signed or never had any mark to be attributed as a document issued and owned by the IEBC

Approx. 4,500,000 votes
Rejected votes equal to the number of registered voters  

If the damning memo is anything to go by, it appears that 682 polling stations reported rejected votes that were equal to the number of registered voters.

Approx. 306, 900
Irregularities in Form 34C  

It appears that the Form 34C used to declare the results of the Presidential Elections had massive irregularities including that the document did not conform to the standards and features adopted by IEBC itself. It is also very curious to note that at least 5 constituencies including Nyando where Raila Odinga enjoys majority support were not tallied.

Approx. 300,000 votes. **
*In my view, the irregularities in Form 34C including that the document could not be attributed to being owned by the IEBC may have as well invalidated all the results declared in the document.
More votes cast in the presidential election than in the gubernatorial and senatorial races  

During the hearing, the IEBC lawyers were at pains to explain why there was a difference between the votes cast for presidential, gubernatorial and senatorial candidates. Attempts to attribute this to diaspora votes and prisons votes could not hold water as only ~9,000 votes account for prisoners and diaspora votes. Attempts by the IEBC lawyers to explain “stray ballots” as the cause for this difference were not sufficient to erase any doubts that people voted multiple times in the Presidential Elections.

Approx. 498,000 votes – 578,000 votes

It is clear that the ‘Numbers’ affected by the irregularities are approximately 11, 073, 456 votes. In any event, given that these numbers were neither verified nor attributed in any way to any person, it only goes on to show that the Presidential results were manipulated to benefit one candidate. Of concern is the endorsement and move to wrap up the entire process within four (4) days without actually verifying whether the results were streamed from any polling stations. Post-Supreme Court decision reports and the revelations seek to show that the entire election process was manipulated to ensure a favorable outcome for one candidate without actually paying regard to the ‘Sovereign Will’ of the Kenyan people.

I reiterate and associate myself with Rosa Buyu’s sentiments that “it does not matter whether Raila Odinga or Uhuru Kenyatta wins, however, the entire process must be free, fair, credible, verifiable and accountable”. Time is nigh to take action on people who perpetrated this election fraud and scheme to manipulate the Will of the Kenyan people.

As CJ David Maraga said, “The greatness of any nation lies in its fidelity to the Constitution and adherence to the rule of law, and above all respect to God”. As a Kenyan, we need a truthful, honest and respectful society and this should start by having an election that is above reproach, fair, credible, verifiable and accountable. As Kenyans, we need to think whether we should stand on the right side of history by building a foundation of trust, truth, fairness, accountability, and respect or be complacent in building a Kenya founded by lies, theft, propaganda, hatred, and disrespect. I would like to put the Media on notice, that PR or brainwashing Kenyans under the guise of peace or for whatever reason is a great disservice to the Kenyan people. It is only the truth that shall set the Kenyan people free.

*The author is a volunteer of the NASA Volunteers Group.


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Kenya West is a trained investigative independent journalist and a socio-political commentator on matters Kenya and Africa. Do you have a story, Scandal you want me to write on? Send me tips to [[email protected]]


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