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Miguna Names The Rigging Machinery Being Put In Place Ahead Of 2022



Two days ago, Kenya Insights published an allegation that Dr Miguna Miguna, a Canada based Kenyan, Pan-African revolutionary intellectual, Lawyer, Writer who claims to be fighting for justice using words, facts and truths had tweeted that CS Fred Matiangi is an illegitimate son of Simeon Nyachae.

Personally, I’m of an opinion that Miguna, having been the former personal advisor to the then Prime minister in the most chaotic polls ever in the recent Kenyan history, 2007/08, and 2017 kitchen cabinet of NASA, Miguna’s tweet carrundoubtedlyable facts.

Every election in Kenya have been mired with rigging allegation. Mr null and void, CJ Maraga is always ready to hear the Presidential election petitions and fail to issue tangible solutions afterwards. On the other side, Uhuru and Raila betrayed Miguna’s birthrights and freedom in his home and motherland and now he’s pouring secrets of the dynasties to the public.


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