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Update: Video Evidence Of Lawyer Willie Kimani Murder To Be Revealed Today



Yesterday, Kenya Insights posted a detailed witness confession of how Laywer Willie Kimani, his client Josephat Mwenda and Taxi driver Joseph Muiruri were suffocated to death by Police officers using polythene bags.

And today, on Tuesday, the High Court is set to hear more evidence in the trial of four police officers and their informer charged with the 2016 cold blood murder.

A new witness, identified in court documents as number 40 is expected to introduce new evidence in form of a recorded video confession.

This comes after the testimony of Peter Ngugi, the fifth accused person in the case was yeaterday read out in an open court with written detailed account on how the three victims were trailed, abducted and finally murdered in cold blood.


Four Police Officers Fredrick Leliman, Stephen Cheburet, Sylvia Wanjiku, and Leonard Mwangi are charged alongside Police informer Peter Ngugi with the murder of the three victims.

The 2016 murders that shocked the nation and exposed the dark side and rogueness in the Kenyan Police forces, whose management apparently speak against extrajudicial executions, has so far seen 39 prosecution witnesses testify in the trial of one of the worst documented murder organized by cops.

On Monday, Directorate of Criminal Investigations Geoffrey Kinyua read the confession of Ngugi the fifth accused person in the case outlined how the three were trailed, arrested and eventually killed.

More to follow…

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