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The Rise and Rise of Laying, an Occupation for The Beauties Without Brains



Socialite Huddah

No one finds life worth living, you make it worth in order to survive in this world where you can be anything you resolve to be. Our girls are resolving to be slays over any other career you can think of. There are no statistics to back this but i think the most sort after careers in Kenya today are slaying and procurement. It’s a blind race, many who choose to slay are running from poverty not aware of where they are running to. These crop of young girls and still sexy women dont buy the anology that little drops of water and grains of sand make the mighty ocean and pleasant land.

They are not hard to notice, graduating slays are small girls below 25 but listening to rhumba. They embrace near bad girl attitude, always with a packet of cancer sticks because they believe its sexy to smoke when waiting for sponsors, when arguing with cab drivers or whenever its time to go ratchet, smash and rob. This is what life has become, while conning men chest thumb with briefcase companies, light skin and bootylicious women have their offices between their legs (kra should find a way of taxing slays).

Many are making a living this way or beginning like this and get to greater heights. There are quite a number of female honourable members who took shots in their bottoms to rise to the top, I mean from selling or sleeping on bedsheets to sitting in boardrooms and now to making love and laws. Yes and you can only achieve that if you stay loyal to one or two sponsors.

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If anything this is not an easy occupation, sponsors can drop a slay anytime especially if the slay is young and naive or if she tries to play smart with miscalculated or if her supporting documents shed off in this industry where bootylicious and light skin women dominate the market. A sponsor can look like anything or faceless so long as the pockets are deep.


But who is to blame, harsh economic times, unemployment or lack of female role models? Most of the women in senior government positions have no inspirational and complete family set ups that can positively inspire young girls who may be looking upto to them. If its not some story of messy and noisy divorce, it’s a story of old single and having fun or loving whoever and whatever, partying and kicking with small boys or the husband has just been reduced to a near woman kind of figure who can be disrespected at will.

We have heard of many female lawmakers or ministers who phisically abuse or disrespect their have not husbands. Former nominated senator Elizabeth Ongoro made news on this. Look at the stories about Martha Karua, Prof.Olive Mugenda, Rachel Shebesh and Pasaris among others.

Some respected female lawmakers who chair or sit in powerful committees in parliament share sipping straws. Pathetic. I mean the female law makers who made the little known Wazir Chacha the man of the year 2018. An entire whatsapp group where Sabina Chege must have been the admin, all sipped the young man’s thick juice.

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What message does that send to our young girls? Some women in serious leadership also come out as ‘male women’, not just with the vibrating baritone but to what they speak in public and how they conduct themselves, ladies like Jumwa you know, untamed Millie Odhiambo to Caro Mutoko, an all time slay who preaches water and sips wine.

She confirms that slays are mostly beautiful and brainless girls but a few scholars and professionals also make money from this dirty game. This list is dominated by media girls with a few exceptions, the likes of Lilian Muli, Jackie Wanjiru, Kamene Goro the ratchet queen, Betty, Grace and K. Nyamu. These are slays with lucrative careers.


 The only slays who come clean are socialites, every young girls dream. They pioneer as instagram models, the next thing they are in some rapper’s music video, smashes with the same rapper, his friends and producer, dumps one of them via blog then theynmove to hanging with promotors then first MPs and then becomes an house hold name socialite/slay queen. Vera Sidika and Hudda Monroe must be doing a great job.

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Kenya West is a trained investigative independent journalist and a socio-political commentator on matters Kenya and Africa. Do you have a story, Scandal you want me to write on? Send me tips to [[email protected]]



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