The renowned lawyer Willis Otieno, also known as “Piki Piki Ponki Lawyer” has made a triumphant return to the public eye through his involvement in the...
The motion to impeach Siaya County Deputy Governor William Oduol has been approved by the County Assembly. The motion was tabled by East Ward Member of...
Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol risks impeachment over his differences with Governor James Orengo after the County Assembly received a notice for the same Monday. East...
The deeply rooted cartel that has been looting from the coffers of Siaya County since 2013 have diversified their tact from breaching procurement regulations, quoting hiked...
The political temperatures in Siaya county are fast rising with elites like Senator James Orengo and former Bondo MP Oburu Oginga crafting a team that would...
Siaya governor Cornel Rasanga’s county communications department has been mired with sex scandals that have since sparked off outrage from members of the public who demand...