You can’t eat your cake and have quickly challenged in African context given how the power elites for the longest time in history have been able...
Burundi has been flanked with controversies and conflicts in the past months since and before the disputed re-elections of President Nkurunzinza. As democratic levels hit red...
Going by police reports a shooting incident that led to the death of Jacob Juma occurred on the 5th day of May 2016 at about 8.30pm...
Cheryl Kitonga a name that has now on everyone’s mouth Thanks to her feature on KTN’s investigative piece Jicho Pevu into the murder of slain business...
High voltage intelligence reaching me….goes Jacob Juma’s springboard lines before he dropped his endless yet explosive missiles exposing a scandal. Little known to the general public...
Women can be as determined and ambitious and career driven as their male counterparts, but it is their different perspective on life that’s been the detriment...
The International Women’s Day was marked on 8th March 2016 under a global theme that was to push for 50-50 gender parity. Like the rest of...