Governor Stephen Sang of Nandi County faces serious allegations involving illegal employment of unqualified individuals, including his relatives and close...
Weeks continue to pile and so has CORD’s anti-IEBC demos that have intensified and spread through the country. The standoff is over IEBC that the...
It would’ve easily passed the public’s eye the legislation banning ordinary citizens from having armored cars were it not for Jacob Juma who on his Twitter...
Following Monday’s IEBC protests that CORD staged countrywide, and that turned murderous with police accused of turning brutal against peaceful demonstrators. According to confirmed reports with...
Following prolonged and weekly anti-IEBC demos spearheaded by CORD, the coalition at last called off the protests that in the last phase turned tragic with more...
Cheryl Kitonga a name that has now on everyone’s mouth Thanks to her feature on KTN’s investigative piece Jicho Pevu into the murder of slain business...
High voltage intelligence reaching me….goes Jacob Juma’s springboard lines before he dropped his endless yet explosive missiles exposing a scandal. Little known to the general public...