The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) has appointed Deputy President Kithure Kindiki as its new Deputy...
Hip Hop is now the undisputed global culture for love and entertainment. Hip hop originated from humble streets of South Bronx in USA growing massively from...
In March 2014, the Bulgarian Member of the European Parliament (MEP) *Slavi Binev was on an official visit to Kenya. The MEP traveled there in his...
By Abdi Dahir. For the optimistic few who hold on to the slim hope that Garissa County Government under the disastrous leadership of Governor Ali Bunow...
While in Kenya the leading betting company has had its operations suspended by the government over noncompliance to tax, it’s now emerging that Sportpesa that is...
Maize scandals surrounding DP Ruto seems like are here to haunt him forever. In an explosive political storm started by three Rift Valley MPs, Deputy President...
Following an exposé on a local TV station that most supermarkets are using chemicals to preserve their meat, one of the leading retail chains, NAIVAS has...