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Kabale Tache Arero Dirty Hands Effect At National Land Commission.



Kabale Tache Arero| Photo: Courtesy

Her name is Kabale Tache Arero. She is the acting chief executive officer at the National Land Commission after she engineered the removal of CEO Tom Aziz.

During her tenure at the commission, she has fired all the deputy directors and directors who were seen as a threat to her, due to the fact that she has no proper academic documents at the university level.

Her papers are deemed to be dubious and she compromised the university where she studied and got suspicious papers. Well versed sources at NLC reveal that she was assisted by the former chairman of the commission Mohamed Swazuri.

Surprisingly, Swazuri openly complains, Kabale has also mistreated him in the course of her stay at the helm of the commission and has no respect for him despite all being Muslims. Recently, she did an advertisement for recruitment of low level staff in the form of drivers and office assistants.


It was an internal advertisement. To the surprise of many, she went ahead and recruited externally and posted the officers outside Nairobi to cover her tracks. Most of the officers who were recruited are from her tribe. Reports indicate that she has stationed a commission motor vehicle for her parents for use in Marsabit, where she has built a palatial home from questionable dealings.

An insider wants investigations in relations to operations involving compensation account at the commission. To show all is not well, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission CEO Twalib Mbarak penned a letter to her let to explain how the recruitments were done.

The letter by EACC is as a result of an official complaint from members of the public who wanted to know the transparency and the legality of the recruitment process which has disfranchised so many officers at the commission. But the letter , According to her is just but a formality as she controls Twalib remotely. She boasts of high level connection and she has mentioned to whoever cares to listen that nothing will be done to her by the EACC because CEO is her friend in crime.

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In the letter dated May 25 2022 , EACC wants clarification in the recruitment matter and urgently be furnished with certified copies and documents relating to human resource manual, career progression guidelines and procedure for staff recruitment.

Also required were the internal advertisement for job nd promotion and redesignation placed between March 24 2022 and April 8 2022. EACC requested for the list of all applicants and shortlisting report for the positions. Also needed is the list of interns currently retained by pr the commission and interview report yet bit, and those considered for promotion and redesignation was requested. Not spared was any other relevant information and documents in relation to the said subject matter.


On May 30 2022, Kabale wrote to director human resource and administration in relation to EACC letter Ref: EACC 7-10-1Vol. 11 (49). She requested for the documents to be submitted to her office before or close of business on Tuesday May 31 2022 to be onward submission to EACC. Her letter was copied to chairman NLC and chairperson, human resource and administrative committee.

To cover her tracks, she has ensured that she has recruited relatives of ote senior government officials at the commission so that those officers can protect her and turn a blind eye to her misdeeds.

Kenya insights has information that the NLC is a public service commission, guided by the to PSC Act. According to the public service commission, one can only act in a position for six months, yet the queen has acted for more than three and half years, because she has compromised commissioners. Word  has it that a petition is to be filed in court by a lobby group again on why she is still acting.

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At NLC, all decisions are made of by her and no commissioner can dare challenge her, lest they are reported to her godfathers. Staff members are so scared of her that the commission has grounded to the a halt.

The only thing that the commission has done for the last four years since Swazuri left is compensation as it is the avenue of minting millions of shillings. Her husband, a one Shadrack now swims in millions of shillings, with surprisingly having suspicious academic papers. The old age says app birds of same feather flock together. The family had their son enrolled and graduated from un-recognised Gates University.


Even before recruiting the low level officers, she recruited land officers whom she posted to the counties to cover her they tracks. The process of recruiting the said officers was also shrouded in mystery. Currently, she is waging a war against the director in charge of valuation, the hardworking Makena. She has vowed that Makena will have to leave the NLC.

Talk at NLC is that the CEO’s concern is not Makena’s performance but her young age and beauty that has seen men almost break necks whenever they meet her in public or at NLC corridors.

Makena has improved the operations at her directorate and she has the ear of the chairman of the commission. It is said that the chairman has sidelined Kabale and now works directly with Makena, which has rattled the feathers of the queen of impunity at NLC.

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When she is confronted with such situations, the only thing that she knows is to cry, but those are cries of a wolf. The idea is, to camouflage herself in such a way that one may think she is a saint from Vatican City.

Sources say that due to her many domestic issues, Kenya insights is privy to information that she relieves the pressure in the office. Her close associate at NLC is director finance William Cherutich and acting director HR Evans Bett. The two are known to cut land off compensation payment deals at NLC on deputy president William Ruto associates.


Kabale was lobbying to be appointed in recent ambassadorial appointments or to parastatal heads plum post.

She went into seclusion and depression after missing out based on what sources say was a negative report from National Intelligence Service. She had been duped by some Harambee House mandarins and commissioner Kazungu Kambi that she will be appointed into one of the positions.

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