Among the names under consideration is former Health CS Mutahi Kagwe, who may be appointed as the new Interior CS...
In the political landscape of Suba North Constituency, a seismic shift is underway, heralding a clash of titans that promises to redefine the region’s representation in...
The dark past of Benedict Kiema Kavua the Procurement Manager of Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company has caught up with him. He was recently transferred...
Rwanda’s ruling party on Saturday picked President Paul Kagame as its candidate for the July election, teeing up a contest widely expected to return the longtime...
Officers from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) have come under attack on alleged favoritism and collusion with public officers under probe in the fresh vetting...
In yet another significant blow to the local media industry, the government has decided to withdraw advertisements from privately-owned radio and television stations, directing that all...
President William Ruto on Friday recalled East African Community Secretary-General Peter Mathuki and named him among Kenya’s new diplomats to be posted abroad. Dr Mathuki may...