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Kenyans Warned Against Making Racist Remarks To Chinese Nationals Over Corona Virus



[Image | Courtesy]

The Chinese Embassy in Kenya has warned citizens against making discriminatory remarks against its citizens visiting Kenya from China over the deadly Corona Virus saying that such treatment could endager their lives.

“We call upon a rational and scientific approach towards Chinese communities, firmly object any irresponsible and even racist remarks as seen from one of the MPs today,” read a tweet from the Embassy.

The warning came after one Mavoko MP Peter Makau made what could be regarded as an inflammatory appeal to his Constituents against the Chinese community in Athi River. Makau asked residents to isolate themselves from Chinese after 198 China citizens landed at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.

Kenyans have been accused of treating the Chinese Nationals as an epidemic with pictures circulating online to support the claims.


Kenyans are furious with the government for allowing flights from the virus hit China into the country.


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