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DCI Nab ATM Watchman And An MPesa Fraudster With Sh2 Million



Yester evening, Kenya’s anti-cyber crime unit of the DCI reported that they have apprehended one Robert Mwaura Mwita, an M Pesa fraudster after an associate operation.

According to the DCI, Mwaura and his web of crime cartels, swindle and defraud unsuspecting Kenyans to send money via Safaricom’s MPesa. Mwaura’s crime-web has an accomplices in the guards that work at the various ATM lobbies in Thinka Town.

Mwaura was arrested together with Radar Security Guards Sternely Nyakundi and Robert Simiyu Masinde. They are are currently at Thika West D/CCIO’s Cells.

DCI records revealed that in September alone, Mwaura swindled Kenyans over Ksh2 million.


Last month, An internal controband mob-up at Kamiti Maximum Prison, what is believed to be the headquarter of cyber-related crimes and the masterminds of “nitumie kwa hii number, ile ingine iko na shida ya mpesa” erupted chaos in the institution. Kenyan Inights highlighted the story and revealed confession of Kenya’s richest yet imprisoned folks and their web.





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