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David Matsanga On Why He Supports Uhuru’s War On Corruption



David Matsanga.


Most Africans who love Kenya are happy about the fight against CORRUPTION. The war is ranging and systematic. If you have eaten, don’t complain when the bill is brought to the table. The tragedy of this that some people  want to eat everything available on the menu at once. That is the type of corruption in Africa

When a National cause arises there is no reverse. The danger of listening Mafia Kings is that you die alone. There are those who dip their dirty fingers in the cooking pot while still in the kitchen. Both are cases of gluttony, albeit at different levels.

Shakespeare said we should not only take poets and jesters but Arrest the PHARAOHS . All must be brought to account without delay. The arrest of Treasury  mandarins in Kenya  is a major shot in the arm of anti corruption battle. From the look of things, more is to come.


The Kingdom of graft must be shaking in panic as the fake walls of Jericho come down tumbling. Reverberating waves can be heard across the land of Kenya as rubble hits the ground.

There are interesting  times ahead and I believe that President Kenyatta will  take this opportunity to REVAMP the FATIGUED  cabinet that is in SICKBAY. Almost all Parastatals are bleeding and the Ministry of Agriculture leads the bleeding .

One of the mistakes in Political Science  is to do a PERESTROIKA when the entire system is RIDDLED with corruption allegation. This  will discourage the masses.  For the CURRENT PERCEPTION to be maintained let there be a new mood of UNITY strategy .

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Kenya West is a trained investigative independent journalist and a socio-political commentator on matters Kenya and Africa. Do you have a story, Scandal you want me to write on? Send me tips to [[email protected]]



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