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Anti-Riot Police Deployed To Migori Ahead Of Obado’s Impeachment Motion



Tension is currently high in Migori as the county assembly reopens after a month long recess. Top of the list of issues that’s expected to generate a lot of heat is the impeachment motion of Governor Obado.

This follows the endorsement of ODM MCAs to table an impeachment motion against the scandal ridden governor.

Threats, intimidation and bribery has clouded the situation with some MCAs including the county speaker fearing for their lives from those opposed to the impeachment.

Obado who’s out of custody on cash bail is accused of embezzling county funds in millions including the Sh73M he was recently charged for. He however maintains his innocence and vows to stop the plotted impeachment.


The Governor has maintained that he’s  just a victim of a long-drawn political witch-hunt from the Raila-led party. In recent interviews, Obado has steadily accused ODM of subjecting him and his family to what he called public lynching. , the party had usurped the roles of the courts and investigative agencies. “They have condemned me unheard and subjected me to humiliation in complete disregard of the doctrine of being innocent until proven guilty. It is clear I am being targeted,” the governor said.

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