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Steven Githaiga A USIU Lecturer Without Any Legit Academic Credential And The Sham TARDA MD With Faked Documents



Mr. Steven Githaiga Ruimuku. Managing Director TARDA

Mr. Steven Githaiga Ruimuku. Managing Director TARDA

Just when you thought you’d heard enough dramas and fraud stories in Kenya, there’s always a new one cropping. Kenya Insights has for the past weeks sustained a course to expose on Steven Githaiga who is in the parastatal office with forged documents. Changed his dates of birth from 1953 to 1958 for the simple reason of increasing his employment years by five with the core aim of milking dry the Tana & Athi Rivers Development Authority.

From investigations laid by Kenya Insights, the cheating MD has illegally leased large tracts of public land under his office with the help of his private lawyer to other people. We will expound much on this in subsequent items. From earning salary illegally now accruing to over Sh.30M, Githaiga stands at the centre of the heap of swindling deals that have left the parastatal dry and broke hanging on strings before it eventually dies.

Kenya Insights has reached the relevant authorities to address this matter and save the parastatal from the carnivorous teeth of this charlatan but deaf years have been turned. It’s only a question of time before operations are stall since accounts are viciously mismanaged by the scam MD.

Githaiga is walking around chest thumping that he’s untouchable and that his close ties with the Deputy President William Ruto whom he openly say he loots with, will protect him. Comes at a time when the DP’s office has been polled as the leading arm in corruption. Githaiga also boasts of having protection from the President’s cousin Muigai. We are going to petition these people including Speaker of Parliament Justin Muturi who also happens to be his friend and whom he fraudulently sold to the Land Rover Discovery Reg. No KAD 266D at a throw away price after stealing it from TARDA. We will expose the faces he purports to be saving him and that he’s so untouchable.

United States International University Africa, Nairobi. (Pic Courtesy)

United States International University-Africa, Nairobi. (Pic Courtesy)

Moving on, through our investigations, it is emerging that Githaiga who self-appointed himself to the TARDA MD post without any scrutiny and using his links with Muigai happens to be a lecturer at USIU and has registered for a PhD at the Catholic Univeristy. It beats logic how with all the deficiencies in his credentials the man manoeuvred to be a whole lecturer in an international accredited University as USIU. How could the scrutiny of this institution miss this? This puts USIU’s credibility in line and quality of education in jeopardy if a person with underwhelming credits is awarded the position to lecture students.

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From the documents seen by Kenya Insights, the only certificate by Githaiga that can be approved is that of Mosoriot TTC where he went for his P1 course, the rest that he used to attain the USIU job can’t be certified. Our investigations led to USIU where efforts to get his details as the lecturer were turned down with a sleuth revealing he teaches in Business department yet his certificates are highly questionable.


USIU management must, therefore, take the matter with the agency it deserves and relook on his credentials because from the looks they’re subjecting their students to substandard education and at the same time jeopardising their credibility and public trust. Kenya Insights will, therefore, follow the vetting process of Githaiga. In fact, this case should worry USIU management and order a complete vetting on all their lecturers to out masquerades.

In our flowing series on TARDA looting and Githaiga’s frauds schemes, we look into the illegal lands leasing, Chairman TARDA Abdul Bahari, a relative to EACC CEO Waqo and has been protecting the MD and at the same time eyeing gubernatorial seat botched multi-billion Dam project and the high personalities defending the fraud MD. Meanwhile, we’re petitioning and daring USIU to prove Kenya Insights wrong by proof of certificates that they’re using a dubious lecturer on their students.

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