The move now allows for its farming, slaughter, and processing for meat.
The wife to former Ainabkoi Member of Parliament William Chepkut has moved to court seeking to stop the burial slated for October 18. Milkah Chepkut, in...
This year August, Michael Ajwang, a junior procurement employee earning a Sh21,000 monthly salary, allegedly acquired 11 vehicles, nine parcels of land and a 3-Star hotel...
(Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin, who rules the world’s biggest nuclear power, has repeatedly cautioned the West that any attack on Russia could provoke a nuclear...
Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) is set to auction hundreds of luxury motor vehicles and other assorted goods imported by traders and individuals who failed to pay...
First Community Bank (FCB) one of the leading Islamic banks in Kenya has been battling the horror of banking, panic withdrawals from customers following malicious rumors...
Locals around coastal region led by “Concerned Citizen” human rights activist Bradley Ouna have protested against the alleged land grabbing by Mombasa Cement Company. The...