Sports CS Wario
The Kenyan athletes representing the country has in the entire competition been faced with endless problems and avoidable mishaps courtesy of incompetency with NOC-K who have been blamed for the predicaments.
The team has faced travel and accreditation challenges among other problems as it emerged that some Senators are wallowing in luxury in posh hotels in Brazil at the expense of the Kenyan tax payer. As the athletes strain themselves, legislators including 21 MPs are blowing a cool Sh.3.2M each as an allowance for the 21 days during the Olympics, and that’s Sh.50,000 daily. That’s away from the travel expenses.
Below is a list Kenya Insights has obtained of the NOCK officials sent to the games. Note that there are those in the trip at taxpayers expense but have not been included in the list. Includes officials kids and clandestine.
1 Amb Richard Ekai Principal Secretary Sports
2 Joseph Okundo Principle Secretary Culture
3 Kipchoge Keino Chairman NOCK
4 Francis K Paul Secretary General NOCK
5 James Waweru Chairman ADAK
6 Japhter Rugut CEO ADAK
7 Jackson Tuwei President AK
8 Nderitu Gikaria Chairman KNSC
9 Fred Muteti Chairman Sports Kenya
10 Samuel Njonde Chairman Sports Fund
11 Gordon Olouch Ag. Director General Sports Kenya
12 Jaxon Indakwa Ag. Director General Sports Fund
13 James S Kinyanjui Legal Officer
14 Sharad Rao Legal Officer TREASURY
15 Francis Anyona Oino Controller of Budgets
16 Peter Muhia Wanjiku Desk officer MOSCA CHEF DE MISSION
18 Bernard Ekumbo Deputy CDM (NOCK)
19 James Chacha Executive Officer (NOCK)
20 Fridah Shiroya Finance Officer (NOCK)
21 Pius Ochieng General Team Manager (NOCK)
22 Julius Ogeto Chief Medical Officer
23 Patrick Nkabu Finance Officer (Ministry)
24 Cathrine Ndereba Deputy GTM (NOCK)
25 Resham Bains NOCK
26 Anna Njambi Documentation Officer (NOCK)
27 Peter Angwenyi Media Liasion officer (NOCK)
28 Christopher Lorot
29 Joseph Kiget
30 William Yiampoy
31 Lydia Kamau
32 Maurine Mutuku
33 Dorothy Otieno
34 Peter Ekai
35 Wesly Maritim
36 Lamech Oriku
37 Abdullahi Omar
Stewart Madzayo (Taita Taveta)
Martha Wangari (nominated)
Godfrey Kariuki (Nakuru),
Karue Muraguri (Nyandarua)
Joy Gwendo (nominated)
Mvita Kisasa Mshenga (nominated)
Abdirahman Ali (Wajir)
John Munyes (Turkana)
Halima Abdille (nominated).
We’re yet to get the list of the MPs but will update as soon as we get it. One is left wondering what was the urgency that Kenya had to fly out almost entire parliament to Rio. What values would they be adding to the players if not milking their kitty? The millions used in accommodating the joyriders doing nothing meaningful but random escapades could’ve been used to add more monetary value to the medals won by athletes.
Treasury gave Sh.600M to NOCK for the competition and from the looks nearly three-quarters has been spent on the joyriders, squandered with players getting a struggling quarter of their allocations. This trend of scavenging and eating off other’s sweat is not only sickening but puts Kenya in the books of shame for mistreating their players, and you wonder why athletes are not taking a second thought in auctioning their citizenship to countries like Bahrain who treat them better.
If it were so important for Parliament to witness and make a report out of the competition then why not send a handful even one MP instead of the bunch sent. This is an open misuse of public funds, the extravagance adding to the already heavy debt burden to the taxpayer must be discouraged. Sports CS owes Kenyans answers and the values added by spending millions on the undeserving joy riders
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