In Kenya, a nation grappling with economic challenges, tax evasion by large corporations has become a critical issue exacerbating the fiscal strain on the government. This...
According to KRA, both tourists and returning residents must declare any mobile devices they plan to use within Kenya’s borders, making the F88 declaration a necessary...
The proposed system aims to connect with crypto exchanges and marketplaces, enabling KRA to track and record transaction details, such as the date, time, type, and...
A senior Manager at the Kenya Revenue Authority has revealed how she was sacked after she refused to grant preferential treatment to children of Chairman Antony...
Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Commissioner-General Humphrey Wattanga was Thursday afternoon thrown out of a meeting with Members of Parliament (MPs) for failing to produce documents on...
Adoption of the new tax rate will lower the amount that gamblers stake, in turn reducing the possible pay-out from a winning bet.
The deduction, called motor vehicle tax, will be paid on each vehicle at the time of issuing an insurance cover.
The rental income tax is applicable for landlords earning annual rental income between Sh280,000 and Sh15 million, equivalent to at least Sh23,333 per month.