In recent years, the skyline of Eastleigh, a bustling neighborhood in Nairobi, has been dramatically transformed by high-rise buildings that...
In December, mobile lending app Tala decided to discourage Kenyans from borrowing from their app, running ads that urged customers not to take out loans. Most Kenyans did...
Kenyans deposited Sh76 billion more in savings and credit co-operative societies (saccos) in the year to June 2018, new data by the Treasury shows. Total member...
After news that basketball legend Kobe Bryant and his daughter were killed in a helicopter crash started making rounds on social media yesterevening, a small group...
Kenya’s real estate market has left developers and investors with losses that are worth billions of shillings as the investments went on a sharp decline in...
Kobe Bryant, the NBA and MVP who spanned a 20-year career with the L.A. Lakers, was killed Sunday when the helicopter he was travelling in crashed...
#AmKenyan. SORRY. LONG READ: Friends, I will not watch the so called ‘documentary’. It is not worth my time. They can make new ‘documentaries’ with the...