Boniface Mwangi, a renowned activist and photojournalist, has hinted that Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is under state investigation for allegedly...
Fifty-seven police officers in Buffalo, New York, have resigned from the force’s emergency response team following the suspension of two officers who allegedly pushed a 75-year-old...
Reddit co-founder and World Tennis record holder Serena William’s husband Alexis Ohanian announced his resignation from the board of the social media site and urged the...
The global banking sector witnessed an increase in malware attacks in quarter one of 2020 amid adoption of online banking following the outbreak of the coronavirus....
The government has terminated a multi-million-shilling contract awarded for construction of the 15,000-acre Bachuma Livestock Export Processing Zone (LEPZ) in Voi sub-county in Taita-Taveta County after...
Delmonte fruit processing company Limited can go ahead and process renewal of its land lease after the Environment and Lands court in Murang’a threw out a...
By Nicol Turner Lee| Brookings On May 25, 2020, unarmed, 46-year old Minneapolis resident George Floyd died after being restrained by officer Derek Chauvin whose knee...