In Western Kenya, funeral traditions are evolving, with an increasing trend among the Luo community to airlift bodies from major...
Snakes in the grass. Wrangles over a 22-acre piece of land hosting national broadcaster KBC transmitters in Mombasa might not end soon following revelations that rogue...
Women’s access to reproductive health has been restricted by laws, cultural and religious beliefs, communal stigma and victimization that limitswomen’s enjoyment of their reproductive healthcare including...
The appointment of Ex- Law Society of Kenya Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mercy Wambua to the Commission on Administrative Justice (Ombudsman) has left many with questions...
THE SUMMARY OF THE AUDIT QUERIES• Overseeing payments totalling USD 107,801.03 (Sh12.3 m) to travel agencies for provision of air tickets without proper records.• No copies...
Sports CS Amina Mohammed is under fire over fears of uncontrolled corruption involving billions of shillings at the Sports, Arts and Social Development Fund. The troubled...
Fruits of the ultra-modern forensic police laboratory at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) began to be felt this week when detectives deployed it to identify...