The two leaders called on Kenyans, friends of Kenya, and international partners to support the candidacy of former Prime Minister...
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has been described as a greedy, corrupt and visionless leader in a shocking revelation by his close ally. Former Cabinet Minister Fred...
In the wake of devastating floods that have displaced over 300,000 people in Kenya, TECNO, a leading mobile technology company, has stepped up to provide essential...
By Alvin Mwangi This Finance bill has continued to unite Kenyans, of all walks of life, whether your rich or poor, Mama mboga, Boda boda and...
The Kenyan government’s Finance Bill 2024, aimed at raising revenue for the 2024–2025 budget, has sparked debate. While its goal of funding government programs is understandable,...
It has now come to surface that Financial Reporting Center (FRC) the body responsible for anti-money laundering fight in Kenya have joined forces with Ethics and...
Controversy engulfs Kenya’s Ministry of Health as allegations of irregular tender practices and the procurement of fake HIV testing kits surface. Amid accusations of favoritism and...