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NTSA Suspends Licenses For Bungoma Line And Smart Highways Sacco Shuttles



The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has announced the suspension of Bungoma Line Safari Ltd and Smart Highway Sacco licenses for non-compliance.

In a statement issued by the Director General, George Njao, on March 29, the two are accused of grossly violating road safety regulations including over speeding, “The suspensions were necessitated by the saccos failure to comply with provisions of Section 5 of the NTSA (Operation of PSV) Regulations, 2014 and analysis of speed data violations that were compiled through the NTSA Intelligent Road Safety Management System. (IRSMS),” the statement reads.

The DG has recalled the Licences and ordered a fresh compliance check on all the vehicles, “”In its decision, the Authority expects the saccos to comply with all the requirements of the Traffic Act, the PSV Regulations and present their vehicles for compliance inspection to establish their roadworthiness and to confirm the functionality of the installed speed limiters,” he said.

Bungoma Line Sacco operates 162 matatus and mostly traverses the western region while Smart Highways Sacco operates 29. All the vehicles will be subject to re-inspection for compliance including retesting for 14 Bungoma Line drivers and 2 of Smart Highways.


Police have been instructed to immediately impound vehicles in operation.

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