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Murder, Guns, Sex Scandals, A Look At Recent Crimes In Kil-imani



Kilimani, one of Nairobi’s most preferred posh suburbs for the middle class with growing financial stability is becoming a den of crime, it’s an active crime scene always in the news for all the bloody reasons. Some people have been jokingly saying that it is Githurai that went to Groups of school.

Kilimani is actively getting the reputation of harboring soft but lethal criminals, like a rite of passage, most fake gold scammers, fake currency merchants, shoddy businessmen, high end sex workers, sex traffickers name it, all are thriving in the posh estate. It’s a murky world in there.

Gun tooting conmen, big cars, women, Kilimani is a small dirty world.

The killing of Kevin Omwenga, adds to the list of many other similar killings of deals gone bad, it also adds to the long list of Kilimani crimes. The gun that killed Omwenga belongs to Chris Obure, it’s now a big puzzle as to how he got hold of the same gun that’s been red flagged before.


Kilimani area police had earlier recommended the Firearms Licensing Board (FLB) to withdraw the said firearm after its licensed owner(Obure) was reportedly involved in a gun drama at the B Club. He was later charged with assault and causing bodily harm. That’s not the only gun in question.

It is in Kilimani estate where Embakassi East MP Babu Owino has shot DJ Evolve on January 17. He would later be charged for the incident and released on a Sh10M cash bail. The DJ doesn’t months in ICU and now recuperating from home even though he’s maimed.

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It is in Kilimani that one Caren Kipchumba was found dead in unresolved case. It was alleged that her boyfriend, former news anchor Louis Otieno had an hand in her killing, the matter has never seen its end.

Fresh in mind is the brutal murder of Monica Kimani who was found in the bathtub with her throat slit. This too was in Kilimani. Jowie Irungu and Jacque Maribe were incarcerated as the prime suspects in the killing. They’re now both out on cash bail.

In a recent event involves a 33-year old Sheilah Murage.


Ms Murage’s body was discovered on the morning of July 17 in a flower bed outside Santonia Courts, Kilimani by workers at the property.

She had been attending a house party at a friend’s house.

An autopsy report indicated that she suffered head injuries inflicted by a blunt object and was sexually assaulted before she was killed.

The body also had physical injuries on the back and blood was oozing from the nose when it was found. There were also bruises around the wrist and the clothes were torn.

Preliminary investigations found that an identified group of people were drinking and having fun in a house in the area before the incident took place.


On March 11, this year, still in Kilimani, Dafton Mwitiki, a sharpshooter who shot his way to nationwide fame when he appeared at the Dusit D2 terror attack, was reported missing at the Kilimani Police Station. The 38-year-old businessman was last spotted leaving his office at Galana Plaza in Kilimani on March 20. He was the head of marketing at the National Gun Owners Association when he disappeared.

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Over the years money launderers have been traced to the heart of Kilimani, with detectives recovering over Ksh200 million in fake currency so far.

In September 2019, detectives seized Ksh100 million in 100 dollar denominations. The cash had been traced to a popular club in the area owned by a businessman who has had a number of run-ins with the law.

Just days before, a stash of Ksh64 million in fake dollars and euros was recovered near Coptic Hospital.

Then Nairobi Police boss Philip Ndolo stated that the fake Ksh64 million was ready for distribution to the market while Ksh240 million was in different stages of processing.


In May 2019, DCI detectives arrested 7 suspects after they were found with millions of fake money, adding to a list of 14 who had been nabbed just the week before.

Kilimani is the bed of exotic house parties, politicians and big boys will hire apartments, bring women and alcohol and party all through with sex orgies in the menu.

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