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Mombasa Court Dissolves Politician Jackson Gordon Teti’s Second Marriage Over Physical and Sexual Abuse



A Mombasa court has dissolved Jackson Gordon Teti’s second marriage 10 years after his first marriage was dissolved by a queen’s bench in Canada.

Principal Magistrate Lucy Sindani dissolved the marriage that was solemnized in the year 2018 at Mombasa’s Marriage Registrar’s office saying it was clear that there is no love left between the Mombasa Politician and his now ex-wife Veronica Akinyi Rapul.

Akinyi had claimed that the the Politician was battering her physically, sexually and emotionally abusing her aqnd it had gotten worse.

The court noted that Akinyi had given a whole account of how Teti has been cruel to her and even their kids.


“In light of the above decision, this court finds that it will not only be in the best interests of the parties to dissolve their marriage, but it will also serve the greater interests of justice. In the premises therefore, this court declares the marriage solemnized between the Petitioner and the Respondent on 26th September, 2018 dissolved. Decree nisi dissolving the said marriage is hereby issued. The decree nisi shall be made absolute thirty (30) days from the date of this judgment,” the court ruled.

The court noted that the the couple has tried reconciliation but it failed stating that it is evident that there is no hope to rekindle the love.

It was her further finding that the resentment shown by both parties during hearing and cross examination shows that the marriage has broken down and is serving no useful purpose.

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In her case Akinyi claimed that Gordon has been abusive to an extent of threatening to kill her and leave the country after committing the act and wants the court to dissolve the marriage that as solemnized on September 26, 2018.

She told court that Teti has a Canadian passport and she fears that he will actualize his threats of killing her and running to Canada since he is a citizen there.


“He picks up fights from nowhere and hails insults of all kin on both me and the children notwithstanding the environment. He has been utterly insulting and using foul language towards me without any justifiable cause,” she said.

Magistrate Sindani also noted that during the hearing of the matter, both parties appeared and through a chaotic session the matter proceeded to hearing even though the politician had not filed a response but was still given an opportunity to participate by cross examining the petitioner but refused to tender any testimony in rebuttal of the petitioner’s testimony.

The court further noted that the politician instead kept insisting on being supplied with the documents he had asked the Petitioner to produce and his case was closed and he walked out of court.

Veronica further told the court during the hearing that the politician had been battering and assaulting her and the children, and has been physically abusive and emotionally distressing to not only her but also the children and domestic workers by physical abuse and insults thus creating a negative environment and threated her with cruelty causing her physical harm, mental anguish and psychological trauma.

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