The campaigns for August elections has unofficially kicked off with politicians from too leadership taking advantage of The voter’s registration to mobilize their strongholds to get into the registers as the days closes in. There are panic and uncertainty in both camps as of the fate of August polls. CORD is accusing the government of putting into place rigging loopholes while Jubilee is, on the other hand, accusing the opposition of having sensed defeat in early stages and building a fallback plan to cry foul.
The idea of NASA is making Jubilee strategists burn the midnight oil with analysts warning that its formalization would deem the lights for a Uhuru second chance. A United Opposition is an unstoppable force that will quickly send jubilee parking given the numbers and also you can pick lessons from African countries as Gambia where incumbents are folding their carpets courtesy of joint opposition sending them home with morning buses. The NASA fear is so real that President’s mother, Ngina Kenyatta was forced to fly to meet former President Moi, a major Kalenjin power broker and the father to Gideon Moi who’s the KANU Chairman.

The Kikuyu Council of Elders campaigning for voters registration to solidify the community’s voting block
KANU has announced they’ll make their 2017 political direction under two weeks. This comes at a time when the party’s leadership has been seen as in contrast with jubilee administration and Ruto’s in particular. KANU SG Nick Salat declared that the party is deeply in the NASA movement during a recent opposition unity convention in Nairobi. The impromptu visit to Moi by Mama Ngina is plainly viewed as a desperate lobbying effort to persuade Gideon and Moi to stay in Jubilee as their support to NASA would deal a massive blow to the stability of jubilee whose existence largely depends on the Kalenjin and Kikuyu voting block, any disruption and shift of 2017 dynamics would be catastrophic to the Jubilee livelihood.
Odinga who’s seen as the most preferred NASA candidate even though that’s not the final stamp, stands a great chance winning this election given favorable voting dynamics and ethnic composition. However, the CORD principal is also known for spoiling his chances the Lady minute courtesy of his sycophants who overlook and misadvice him on several occasions losing guaranteed bets. Will he change the tactics or maintain guerilla warfare in a nuclear program? The have campaigns also offers him free publicity, if he fails to capitalize on this, would add to many squandered opportunities.

A Jubilee Party campaign drive on Google ads using Raila phobia as tagline to mobilize registration
Talking of Odinga, he has become the selling point for Jubilee in their campaigns, and the party’s registration drive has made Raila fear mongering as their recruiting theme. The government is short of tangible achievements to sell to their fed up supporters and instead have resorted to the same old script of Raila hatred which has successfully worked primarily amongst the targeted Kikuyu audience.
The brainwashing strategy reigned on the poor Kikuyus engineered by the elites who’re the benefactors of power is now completely on the rail without breaks. It gets worse that the President in his full capacity while addressing the Kikuyu nation on Kameme FM a community radio, attempted to shift the blame on his failures during the first term in Raila Odinga. It was shocking that the President would stoop that low to misinform the audience who readily consume the rhetoric without proper digestion.
The President holds the tools of power and Raila is a small opposition leader, how on earth would then feign incapacity on a person without any authority in the administration. It was not only unfortunate for a President to say that but the insult to the Kenyan constitution that entrenched him with the powers to properly manage Kenya. It doesn’t come as a shocker that Jubilee and the President campaigning and using Raila phobia as a leverage and saying nothing about rampant corruption in the regime and dwindling economy and a surging unemployment rate nit to mention the lengthy health standoff.

A Jubilee Party campaign drive on Facebook ads pushing for registration of members banking on anti Raila bait
It is Not a secret that Raila hatred has been a sales tag for many politicians especially for Central and Rift Valley politicians; a Stevie Wonder analysis would tell you its this deluded phenomenon that has kept most political lives afloat in the sinking ship of ideologies. None exists other than anti-Raila. The scheming politicians have taken advantage of the respective communities gullibility. They’ll swiftly evade accountability by yelling anti-Raila slurs being orgasmic to the targets in return getting away with anything including everything. A misinformed, unquestioning voter is every fraud politicians turn on.
The National Intelligence Service according to impeccable sources speaking ti Kenya Insights, has warned the Statehouse of a new euphoria that would cost the administration a return to power after August elections. A good number of the Kikuyu population who’re the greatest targets of anti-Raila bait campaign have seen the lights and silently plotting a revolt. According to the reports, many are opting to keep off the ballot than vote in line with ‘uthamaki’ s tagline that’s being used to consolidate the communities votes. Seasoned analysts as Mutahi Ngunyi have also warned of a frustrated win should NASA formalize.
The revolt is ignited by pathetic livelihood and sufferings and lack of direct benefits from the Jubilee administration. It goes without mentioning that Kenya’s economy has been on a crippling mode and the heat felt across the political divide. There’s a ‘woke’ voter phenomenon. An informed voter who’re not buying into tribal rhetoric and conscious with performance. Jubilee strategists are hoping the anti-Raila campaign would boost their chances and win back hearts that might have escaped back to their bucket. Whether this will work is a matter of time, what’s, however, absolute is the fact that Raila fear mongering headlines Jubilee campaigns and voter apathy poses a danger. You can read the panic. Millions are being spent off and online campaigns from Google to all social media platforms. Will Jubilee strategy hold water?
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