In an unexpected turn of events, the vibrant and widely popular music video for “Anguka Nayo” by Kenyan rap duo...
Former Nacada boss John Mututhos is facing an arrest after he allegedly converted his rehabilitation centre into a heaven of forceful abductions and confinement but at...
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has publicly appealed for forgiveness from President William Ruto in his first response since an impeachment motion against him was tabled in...
Attending a church service at AIC Milimani, Nairobi, the President steered off such talks in a move that has left tongues wagging following the end of...
The deal with Adani Group is one of the PPP projects that Kenya is hinging on to build transmission lines and bridge an infrastructural lag in...
This is a new government entity formed to coordinate government communications.
Kasmuel reiterated that he will continue to fight for the betterment of Kenyans’ social and material conditions, as well as for the stability of the country.