The circus that has been revolving around the Jeevanjee Affordable Housing project in Nairobi took a new twist with the...
Royal Media Services (RMS) has been in panic mode since President William Ruto was sworn in with broadcast’s owners finding themselves holding the short end of...
KOKO Networks is a venture-backed technology company operating in East Africa and India. In its portfolio, “We build and deploy dense networks of cloud-connected “KOKOpoints” inside...
Mary Wambui Mungai’s name could easily pass unnoticed but in the corridors of power and business world, it is a name to reckon with due to...
Abdi Sama Timberlake Leaders come through for the people during hard times like this. Yes , that’s the yardstick to gauge the leadership level of the...
Richard Ngatia, the embattled Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) boss is a man on the edge trying to make up with President William Ruto...
As Kenya Airways pilots strike enters its fourth day, passengers continue to cancel their flights and many are left stranded. To fill the void, Bluebird Aviation...