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Here’s How To Make Money Off TikTok



[Image | Courtesy]

We are at the age of social media, a 2020 Digital Trends report recently revealed that out of every 11 minutes spent on a mobile phone, 10 minutes are spent in an app and Tiktok a new short skits social media app boasted of a super impressive 800 million monthly active users, ranking it 6th among the most popular apps in the world.

Tiktok has taken the Kenyan smartphone aura by storm, becoming the fastest growing destination for short-form mobile video. But during these tough times for Kenyans, how can people monetize the time they spend on the app? you probably guessed it, This inevitably involves influencer marketing.

You have a TikTok profile, next step is creating content which people will welcome and like continuously. You shouldn’t just make a TikTok account entirely focused on increasing followers as fast as possible, although this is the goal, your content should bring you the numbers.  On any social media app, once you amass a good amount of following the next thing is to monetize your content.

So you have a popping Tiktok, you’re getting thousands of views, now what? If you’re lucky enough, you will get approached by brands to showcase their products on your videos. Usually brands offer money to influencers for their promotion, influencer marketing. Brands are always looking for a way to get people aware of their products and once you identify brands you want to work with, you can as well approach them.

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“Approach brands that may benefit from you as an influencer and offer them sponsorship post at cheaper price. In the first phases, try increasing your portfolio of sponsorship clients to make you a trustworthy influencer.” A Quora user states.

Both online and offline shops can also benefit from Tiktok, owners with a decent amount of following can advertise their products and with new features from within the app that lets users add links in their bio and posts, which can direct their followers to shopping sites or any other destination, this is a plausible idea.

Making videos to earn money is becoming a reality, Don’t get me wrong, for example Kenya’s top 100 YouTube list is dominated by channels of well-established companies, but there are a few names of channels belonging to individuals that have sprung out recently. If you would’ve told someone you want a career in making videos a decade ago you’d have had to get a mental check done, but in this new digital era, anything is a career.

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