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Anonymous Letter To President Ruto Lifts Lid On Illicit Trade In Pharmaceutical Sector And Info On Dr Fred Siyoi



Dr. Fred Siyoi, CEO of Pharmacy and Poisons Board.

Dr. William Samoei Ruto,

President and Commander-In-Chief of All the Armed Forces,

Statehouse, Nairobi

Dear Sir,



We write this email/letter as disgruntled stakeholders in the Health sector. We have received critical and vital information on Dr. Fred Siyoi and how he is running the Pharmacy and Poisons Board as his personal entity with impunity and entitlement.

Mr. President, we write this anonymously due to the sensitivity of the concerns raised.

We have hereby documented the concerns, allegations and reports as follows;



The illegitimate CEO has employed scare-mongering and fear-mongering tactics and schemes to handle staff and Board members. The biggest casualty has been the new

CHAIRMAN. Dr. Siyoi is on record bragging that he knows you, Mr. President, through the First Lady, and the Head of Public Service and that NO ONE within the ranks of government let alone PPB can challenge him.

With this in mind, he has pocketed the new chairman who he uses to influence decisions at the Board, make contact with the Permanent Secretaries appointed to the state department of Public Health and Professional Standards for favor and approval of fraudulent financial transactions. Mr. President, this has led to erroneous and illegal communication from the former and current Permanent Secretaries (the revocation of the valid acting CEO Dr. Jacinta Wasike and the illegal/unprocedural deployment of four officers).

Dr. Siyoi has been an acting Registrar, then Deputy Registrar and finally Chief Executive Officer (though there’s a court process on doubts that he ever had a contract in the first place) for almost Twenty Years (20). He attained mandatory retirement age of Sixty (60) years in March 2023.

Mr. President, its imperative to note that the illegitimate CEO was sacked by the then Board following a court order that nullified his ‘appointment’. From sources that existed as Board Members ever since, Dr. Siyoi has been CEO on illegal six months renewal of a nonexistent contract and/or appointment.


Mr. President, the Board on the 13 January 2023 instructed the illegitimate CEO to go on terminal leave and Dr. Jacinta Wasike appointed as acting CEO pending recruitment of a substantive CEO.

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Mr. President, Dr. Siyoi brags that he terminated the terms of two Boards and that any Board appointed by the Cabinet Secretary will have to submit to him.

Dr. Siyoi has ignored the Senior Management of the Secretariat and Departments in Budget preparation and development. Any cosmetic activity called ‘Budget Development’ is normally an exercise for the excited junior officers.


Mr. President, Dr. Siyoi has created a very unconducive and toxic work environment. Those who enjoy working with him are his henchmen from Mt. Elgon, most notably Dr. Anthony Toroitich. A Dr. Naikuni (an incompetent public servant but an accomplished and competent prayerful drunkard) is used as an errand boy to scare Junior Officers who they deem unwanted.


This he has done by;

I. Appointing his cronies in each Department who answer to him DIRECTLY

II. Disregarding Human Resource salary increments for BOARD employees against approvals by the Public Service Commission and the Salary and Renumeration Commission. The underpaid employees are demoralized vet they are expected to be productive and efficient in such a work environment.

III. Running two payrolls for staff. One payroll is for Auditors while the second one is the actual and substantive payroll.

IV. Developing unofficial structures for receipt of gossips, rumormongering, blackmail, mudslinging etc. Information that he receives through this channel is used in decision making and to punish his perceived or imaginary enemies.


V. Utilizing staff reorganization to punish perceived enemies and reward loyal cronies

VI. Using blackmail to mudsling employees


Mr. President, Dr. Siyoi has allowed parallel importation of TRADEMARKED products of MULTINATIONALS by entities that have NOT registered the products with PPB AGAINST the dictates of the IMPORTATION GUIDELINES that were gazzetted in the year 2019.

Mr. President, a survey in the market will establish existence of multinational trademarked products with labels in foreign languages. This has led to established multinationals to withdraw from the market (case in point SANOFD).



Mr. President, approval of some import permits is not pegged and premised on payment of requisite fees thus denying PPB the much needed revenue. This, Dr. Siyoi has achieved through junior officers and his cronies working in the relevant Departments. A scrunity of ICT payment sustems will be vital.

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The GAP created (intentionally) is used as a conduit to source CORRUPT and FRAUDULENT money from both suspecting and unsuspecting clients.


Mr. President, Dr. Siyoi PERSONALLY controls the procurement department by awarding MAJOR contracts to his buddies through proxy companies. One major supplier, a Mr. Ken Busitsa, who many (both staff and stakeholders) confuse to be a staff at PPB, has benefitted from these fraudulent awards.


Since there’s no open and transparent procurement processes, most procurement officers either hired DIRECTLY or SECONDED from the Ministry of Health have not lasted long Two recent cases; one officer was transferred to the Eldoret regional offices and the other resigned and was successfully recruited by the Homa Bay County Government).

Mr. President, the Quality Lab, headed by the incompetent Pharmacist (but prayerful drunkard Dr. Naikuni), is a classical crime scene where the favored supplier was awarded the contract to build and equip the facility. Kindly establish if Doctors Siyoi and Naikuni benefitted FINANCIALLY or otherwise in this particular award and many other contracts awarded to other companies.


Mr. President, (overally) Dr. Siyoi has made it DIFFICULT for staff to develop working systems so as to encourage gaps and backlogs that encourage bribery and corruption in service delivery. This he has done by;

1. Developing PARALLEL issuance of both ELECTRONIC and MANUAL practice, wholesale Delears and Premises’ Licences.


2. Intentional delays in APPROVAL or EVALUATION of import permits.

3. Intentional delays in Good Manufacturing Practice inspections

4. Intentional delays in evaluation of allied Retentions, Variations, and Drug Dossiers.

5. Skewed Inspections of both local retail and wholesale premises

Mr. President, Dr. Siyoi has failed to implement Organizational and Salary structures


APPROVED by the Public Service Commission and the Salaries and Renumeration Commission.

He has intentionally failed to OPERATIONALIZE key Administrative Departments like the

Human Resource, Procurement, Finance, Accounts, Internal Audit and Risk Assessment, National Quality Control Laboratory etc


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Mr. President, because of the poor or non-existent structures and procedures mentioned above,


PPB will most likelv not achieve the WHO ML3 leading to loss of BlOVAX and MODERNA projects which are key to the KENYA KWANZA manifesto and the BOTTOM UP economic model.

Mr. President, a hemorrhage of best brains due to poor employee confidence in Dr. Siyoi will be detrimental to the health sector (case in point, Dr. Peter Mbwiri).


Mr. President, kindly institute investigations to claims within the intelligence sphere that Dr.

Siyoi, financed the SABAOT LAND DEFENCE FORCES with a cache of arms that were nabbed and later confiscated and disappeared. We will leave it at that as you have the elaborate systems to work around this.


Mr. President, as we conclude, we want to demonstrate to you the scheme that Dr. Siyoi has devised to enable him run the PPB and thereafter hand over to his favored heir, DR. ANTHONY TOROITICH. The scheme will run in TWO PHASES as elaborated herein;


i. Removal of senior management officials seen as a threat to this grand scheme

ii. The targeted officials in phase one were identified as Doctors Jacinta Wasike and Ronald Inyangala.

Mr. President, this explains why Dr. Siyoi, through the help of a rogue HR director at the Ministry of Health, a Mr. Mokua instituted illegal investigations into the status of Dr. Ronald Inyangala as a Disabled Person. This they failed since the Public Service Commission and the Court concurrently agreed that he indeed is a disabled person.


Mr. President, this explains why the VALID acting CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Dr. Jacinta Wasike’s appointment letter was revoked through the media by the former Permanent Secretary yet she had been lawfully appointed by the BOARD.

Mr. President, a counter scheme was devised to illegally deploy the two senior officers to other


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